
Working directory

Open your terminal, and go to your working directory,

cd /mnt/albasj/analysis/username

and create the following directory structure:

mkdir stats
mkdir alignment
mkdir variant_calling


The data we will be using is a subset of specific regions of chromosome X in a FASTQ format. FASTQ format is a text-based format for storing both a biological sequence and its corresponding quality scores.


A FASTQ file normally uses four lines per sequence: 1) Begins with a ‘@’ and is followed by a sequence identifier 2) Is the raw sequence letters 3) Begins with a ‘+’ character 4) Encodes the quality values for the sequence in Line 2

You can visualize the FASTQ file typing:

less -S /mnt/albasj/data/nanopore/fastq/child.nanopore.ROI.fastq

How many reads do we have?

awk '{s++}END{print s/4}' /mnt/albasj/data/nanopore/fastq/child.nanopore.ROI.fastq

Reads QC

First we will get the read length for each read:

awk '{if(NR%4==2) print length($1)}' /mnt/albasj/data/nanopore/fastq/child.nanopore.ROI.fastq > stats/read_length.txt

And look at the read length distribution. For that, you can start R from the command-line:


and then, type the following:

readLength <- read.table("stats/read_length.txt", header=FALSE, col.names = "length")
ggplot(data=readLength, aes(length)) + geom_histogram()

Hint: for quitting R, just type, quit()


The standard format for aligned sequence data is SAM (Sequence Alignment Map).

SAM files have a header that contains information on alignment and contigs used, and the aligned reads:


But because SAM files can be large, they are usually stored in the compressed version of them, BAM files.

Multiple algorithms have been developed to align long reads to a genome of reference. Some examples are:

Here we will use NGMLR. First we will map the reads to the genome of reference (GRCh37)

ngmlr -r /mnt/albasj/data/reference/GRCh37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.fasta \
 -q /mnt/albasj/data/nanopore/fastq/child.nanopore.ROI.fastq \
 -o alignment/child.nanopore.ROI.sam

and convert the SAM output to BAM format.

samtools view alignment/child.nanopore.ROI.sam \
 -O BAM \
 -o alignment/child.nanopore.ROI.bam

Then, we will sort it by mapping coordinate and save it as BAM.

samtools sort -o alignment/child.nanopore.ROI.sort.bam alignment/child.nanopore.ROI.bam

Finally we will index the BAM file to run samtools subtools later.

samtools index alignment/child.nanopore.ROI.sort.bam

To visualise the BAM file:

samtools view -h alignment/child.nanopore.ROI.sort.bam | less -S

Alignment QC

As a first QC, we can run samtools stats:

samtools stats alignment/child.nanopore.ROI.sort.bam > stats/stats.txt

and look at the first 40 lines:

head -n40 stats/stats.txt

Now we will get the coverage per base using samtools depth.

samtools depth alignment/child.nanopore.ROI.sort.bam > stats/coverage.txt

And look at the coverage distribution in R. For that, you can start R from the command-line:


and then, type the following:

coverage <-  read.table("stats/coverage.txt", header=FALSE, col.names = c("chrom", "pos", "cov"))
cov_percent <- data.frame(  "cov" = seq(1,max(coverage$cov)) 
                          , "percent" = sapply(seq(1,max(coverage$cov)), function(x) nrow(coverage[coverage$cov >= x,])/nrow(coverage)))
p <- ggplot(cov_percent, aes(x = cov, y = percent)) + 
     geom_line() + 
     scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0,max(coverage$cov), 1)) + 
     xlab("Coverage") + 
     ylab("Percentage of bases")

You can also add a vertical line to the previous plot intercepting the median coverage:

p + geom_vline(xintercept=median(coverage$cov), colour = "red")