Variant calling

Variants are called and stored in VCF format. This contains a header, and then data lines each containing information about a position in the genome.


Currently, there are different algorithms for calling SVs from long-read sequencing data, including:

Since we used NGMLR for the alignment, now we will use sniffles for calling structural variants.

sniffles -m alignment/child.nanopore.ROI.sort.bam -v variant_calling/child.nanopore.ROI.vcf

To visualise the VCF file:

less -S variant_calling/child.nanopore.ROI.vcf

How many SVs have been called?:

The -s parameter can be changed to 1, where s is the minimum number of reads that support a SV (by default is 10).

sniffles -m alignment/child.nanopore.ROI.sort.bam -v variant_calling/child.nanopore.ROI.s1.vcf -s 1

The information that is provided in sniffles’s output can be found in:

Hint: you can convert the VCF to a tab format:

/mnt/albasj/scripts/ variant_calling/child.nanopore.ROI.s1.vcf > variant_calling/

Inspect the nanopore alignment in IGV. For that, you will first open IGV:

igv &

and open the nanopore bam file (keeping the ones from illumina sequencing):
